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How doing chores may help save your life

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By Mark Waghorn via SWNS

Washing the dishes and other household chores can slash older women's risk of dying from cardiovascular disease by almost two-thirds, a study shows.

Cooking, vacuuming, gardening - and even showering - protects against the world's number one killer.

Those who spent four hours a day on "daily life movements" were 62 percent less likely to die from cardiovascular or coronary heart disease.


They were also 43 percent less likely to develop either condition - and 30 percent less likely to suffer a stroke.

This was compared to peers who did under two hours. Exercising muscles need blood so simply being "up and about" improves circulation.

First author Dr. Steve Nguyen explained: "The study demonstrates all movement counts towards disease prevention.

"Spending more time in daily life movement, which includes a wide range of activities we all do while on our feet and out of our chairs, resulted in a lower risk of cardiovascular disease."

Running or brisk walking is not the only way for seniors to boost heart and artery health, say the team at the University of California, San Diego.

The findings in the Journal of the American Heart Association are based on 5,416 women in the US aged 63 to 97 who were healthy at the outset.

An AI (artificial intelligence) or machine-learning algorithm classified each minute spent while awake into one of five behaviours.

They included sitting, sitting in a vehicle, standing still, walking or running and daily life movement.

The latter encompasses activities when standing and walking within a room or patio - such as getting dressed, preparing meals or gardening.

Participants wore an accelerometer on their waist for up to seven days to accurately record common movements.

Previous studies on light and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity have typically focused on running and brisk walking.

Stock image of somebody doing housework. (SWNS)

Dr. Nguyen and colleagues analyzed a variety of pursuits of different intensity - like cooking.

Added senior author Professor Andrea LaCroix: "Much of the movement engaged in by older adults is associated with daily life tasks, but it may not be considered physical activity.

"Understanding the benefits of daily life movement and adding this to physical activity guidelines may encourage more movement."

The women were tracked for almost eight years - from May 2012 to February 2020.

During the study period 616 were diagnosed with cardiovascular disease, 268 with coronary heart disease, 253 had a stroke and 331 died.

Dr. Nguyen said: "Describing the beneficial associations of physical activity in terms of common behaviors could help older adults accumulate physical activity.

"Our results are noteworthy since much of the movement engaged in by older adults is associated with daily life tasks, which may not be considered by them or by questionnaires."

They may have difficulty engaging in traditional exercise because of frailty and uncertainty about other options, he explained.

Daily life movements (DLM) can be done in the home, which could be more accessible than walking, for instance, where environmental factors such as pavements may influence participation.

Daily life movement includes all activity done while moving on ones feet during activities such as housework, gardening, cooking and self-care activities. (Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Sci via SWNS)

The study showed higher amounts, summarized as 'being up and about', was linked with a lower risk of major cardiovascular events or deaths in community living older women, said Dr. Nguyen.

It suggests "all movement counts" towards prevention. He called for further trials in other groups, including men, to confirm the results.

Added Dr. Nguyen: " Nonetheless, DLM should be promoted given its ubiquity in everyday life and relatively low risk.

"To determine the scope of potential health benefits, future research should test associations with other ageing related outcomes.

"Healthcare providers and future national physical guidelines should consider describing the health benefits in terms of common behaviours, such as DLM, which could help older adults accumulate physical activity."

Cardiovascular disease claims 17 million lives a year - including 160,000 in the UK.

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